Regular Maintenance
Wash outdoor furniture and cushions with a mild detergent and water; rinse and dry thoroughly. Apply a fine, clear automobile wax to metal frames for maximum protection. Perform this maintenance two or three times per year.
How to Clean & Care for Teak
Teak will weather to a silver-gray color in 3-6 months, depending on sun and rain exposure. The wood's inherent imperfections will show over time as rain and humidity cause it to expand and contract, raising the grain. Take care not to damage the teak's protective coating. Do not use cleaning products containing alkaline or acid.
How to Clean & Care for All-weather Wicker
All-weather wicker furnishings are made of extruded polyethylene resin. Use an outdoor furniture cleaner for mildew and heavy stains. Avoid direct contact with chlorine and saltwater; rinse weekly if placed near saltwater. Avoid proximity to excessive heat sources.
How to Clean & Care for High Gloss Resin
Spray with a degreasing product, rub with a damp cloth and rinse. Apply a fine, clear automobile wax to lacquered products every 2-3 months. Do not use abrasive or corrosive products. Avoid proximity to excessive heat sources, and check furniture temperature before using if it has had long-term exposure to the sun.
How to Clean & Care for Fabric
Cushions are made of polyurethane foam wrapped in polyester. Stand cushions on end to air-dry completely after washing. Use an outdoor furniture cleaner for mildew and heavy stains.