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Open up any room in your beautiful home with distinctive floor lamps from Frontgate. These standing lamps easily illuminate your space while adding a unique flair that you, your family, and your guests will love for years to come.

Where to Place Floor Lamps

You can choose to place your shining pole lamps in many great places. These are the most popular spots to place floor lamps.

  1. Beside your sofa: Placing one or two floor lamps next to your ultra-comfy sofa offers both form and function to the room. The aesthetic appeal that a sofa-floor lamp combo creates always looks good, and the functional aspect of having a light within reach of the sofa should never be understated.
  2. Next to your plants: If you have a plant you're especially proud of or like the look of, let other people in the house know it's there by shining a literal light on the plant.
  3. Beside a reading chair: A common spot to place a standing lamp is next to a reading chair. Even if there is an overhead light, it may not be enough light to see what's on the page, so floor lamps are there to help you see every single word with ease.

Find Tall Lamps & Other Home Decor Options at Frontgate

Adding both height and elegance to any space, Frontgate's floor lamps provide a warm, cozy and bright light to your decor. Take the time to pick complementary items to further enhance your space, such as our comfortable and unique pillows, breathtaking wall art, and highly distinctive vases.
