Synonymous with sophistication, monogramming is an ancient tradition that has transformed into the modern mark of elegance. Dating back to 350 BC, monogramming was used by Romans to signal their reign, and Victorian-era barons employed the method to echo aristocracy. Today, monogramming is more of a celebration of personalization and a way to add character and prestige to any possession.
Whether you’re searching for a special gift or something just for you, our collection includes lots of monogrammable items. You’ll find the finest glassware, top-grain leather goods, the world’s most luxurious linens and much more available for personalization – from a single letter to a fully inscribed name – in an ever-expanding selection of fonts and typography.
Traditionally the three-initial monogram renders the last name initial in a large type at the center of the monogram, flanked by the first and middle initials in a smaller type. For example, Anne Marie Smith would read as “ASM.”
While there are some rules for creating a monogrammed gift, part of the fun is creating a look that’s all your own. Mix and match thread colors and word, like “Love” or “Happy” for a whimsical accent.
Using the latest engraving technology and embroidery techniques, we offer a range of monogramming options. Our state-of-the-art processes, including precision pinpoint embroidery and either traditional or laser engraving, create made-to-order masterpieces. All of our techniques have been meticulously honed through years of practice and incorporate the latest technological innovations.
Sandblast etching uses a focused stream of sand to create precise details on glass, wood and some metals. It often lends a light, frosty-yet-matte sheen for a subtle effect.
Not to be confused with embossing, which raises a material into letters, debossing is the use of a manual letterpress to stamp a typeface into a material. The result is a wonderful, textural monogram that is simple and elegant. This technique is best suited for our leather goods, paper and wood items, and is available in countless typefaces and character lengths.
Personalize a plethora of items – from fine Egyptian cotton bedding to table linens – with this age-old thread technique. Our embroidery portfolio offers the most amount of options with many thread colors and fonts to choose from. Fact: An embroidered monogram may have anywhere from 2,000 to 25,000 stitches, depending on lettering and size.
The progressive use of laser engraving has inspired a creative rebirth when it comes to personalizing just about anything. The ability of engraving to contour over round surfaces extends its use on a variety of materials like stainless steel, wood and granite.
Show us what monograms you create by following @frontgate and sharing your photos with #frontgate.